Monday 31 August 2009

Esther the mermaid, named by my granddaughter Molly. Who is keeping her granny busy playing games.
She was my first attempt at fingers and hands which look a bit big but maybe they are better for swimming with.
Her hair is wire coil and acrylic paint on her body.

Saturday 15 August 2009

Daisy chain posing for her photograph at the allotments.
She was adapted from a pattern designed by Madeline Sara Maddocks .

Monday 10 August 2009

These are small pieces to pick up and do between summer visitors and my spaces are being cleared for grandchildren to paint and play!
I transferred my paintings onto felt using T-shirt transfer paper and embroidered they can be used as cards. Going to get the grandchildren to do them and teach them to knit....or maybe send them to Jo.... or hope the sunshines and they are on the beach.

Sunday 2 August 2009

Experimenting with Jones Tones Foils using fusible web, paint and stitch.

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